Book an appointment with Kevin.

Book an Alljoys 1:1 executive coaching session with Kevin, MS, ACC, Certified Life Coach of Positive Executive Coaching to get unstuck & jump the timeline into your unrealized ability.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome, ideas that need a road map and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a Positive Executive Coach can unlock your potential and set you on a path to thriving personally and professionally. We coach people in both their professional and personal lives. Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Kevin Seits and our Positive Executive Coaches are qualified professionals that work with individuals, groups, and teams to help them gain self-awareness, emotional intelligence, clarify goals, achieve their development objectives, unlock their potential, and act as a sounding board using a variety of executive coaching models, techniques, and theories. 

​Positive Executive Coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change. Other service professions, like consulting and psychotherapy, are based on the wisdom and expertise of the professional. In coaching you—the client—are the expert. Your coach’s role is to ask powerful questions, act as a sounding board, provide objective assessment and observations, listen fully and actively, challenge your blind spots, and foster shifts in thinking that reveal fresh perspectives. 

​Feel free to also set up a complimentary consultation here.