Frequently asked questions.


What is hypnosis/hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a path, a tool to dismantle fears and to clear limiting beliefs that are hindering your ability to embody your highest self and achieve your goals.  It is a naturally induced brain wave state that opens the opportunity to clear blockages. Hypnosis is focused intention, a heightened state of awareness, imagination. Hypnosis is a proven tool that is then curated specifically for your obstacle or blockage.

Do I need to be totally relaxed to experience hypnosis?

Total relaxation is not necessary when you are in hypnosis. It is okay to move around and it is okay to be aware of your own thoughts.

What is similar to hypnosis?

Hypnosis is similar to a guided meditation with purpose and ultimately you are transformed by dismantling your limited beliefs and rewiring with different neural pathways that serve your desired behaviors. Hypnosis is focused concentration and imagination. Hypnosis is basically meditation with intent. A person is relaxed into an induced altered state of consciousness. The state resembles sleep but the mind becomes highly focused and responsive to suggestion.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis is focused intention, a different state, a trance-like state.

Can you make me do something I don’t want to do?

No. You still have total control in a hypnotic state. As hypnotherapists, we are the facilitators. You still have total control. Hypnotherapists cannot control you. Hypnotherapists cannot make you reveal secrets and hypnotherapists cannot make you have a fear if you do not want to have a fear. Hypnosis is NOT: Manipulation, Sleep, Loss of control.

How will hypnosis be useful to me beyond dismantling fears and limiting beliefs?

After clearing out limiting beliefs, then comes the fun part: coding new subconscious programming that is the script for our behaviors and outcomes in our life. Hypnosis is a key to unlocking your potential, stepping into your power, and embodying your highest worth and ability.

Will you be my psychotherapist?

If you are seeing me for executive coaching, somatic embodiment, or hypnotherapy, no I will not be your psychotherapist. Although I am clinically trained in psychotherapy, but through my private practice and The Red Thread Center: A Mental Health Collaborative, I only see clients who reside and have their primary address as Florida. I can only see clients who live in the same state in which my registration and license under which I operate is the same. My psychotherapy skills and training do inform my practice as a hypnotherapist and are almost always integrated into our work. You are more than welcome to contact me see if there are openings to see me as a psychotherapist in the group practices and private practices I am practicing in if you are in the same state.

Will I be able to talk with you between sessions?

At this time I offer limited text support or office hours through my business line through certain packages. I also offer Executive Programs where twice a year, I offer super access to me for a 2 week period which includes daily downloads, text support, and voice memos. Otherwise, between sessions, clients have the option for access to group hypnosis sessions, personalized hypnosis session recordings with uncovering/unblocking exercises, pre-packaged hypnosis session recordings with uncovering/unblocking exercises, or all of the above through the updated weekly membership program.

Is hypnotherapy a replacement for psychotherapy?

No. Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for psychotherapy. Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious mind in a theta wave state and is an experience rather than talk therapy.

Do you take health insurance or accept HSA for payment?

Unfortunately, insurance companies do not cover hypnosis/hypnotherapy. However, you are more than welcome to see if there are openings to see me as a therapist in the private practices I am practicing in if you are in the same state which accepts health insurance and HSA. For psychotherapy that is out-of-network, I can provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.

How often do clients usually have sessions?

It depends. Some clients who are working through multiple issues for unblocking and rewiring see me multiple times a week if availability allows. Other clients see me regularly and weekly. Some clients have a specific issue they are working through and only need 6-10 sessions.

Where are your testimonials?

As a trained psychotherapist and a certified hypnotherapist, my ethics and The Code of Ethics who regulate me adhere to strict levels of confidentiality.

What are your credentials?

I have been a nationally board certified hypnotherapist since 2012 who studied at The Center for Success since 2011. I am also a Penn-trained psychotherapist who graduated in 2020, but was in clinical placements since 2018 and although I will not be seeing you as a therapist through more holistic work at Alljoys, I draw on my training as a therapist to ensure my work is trauma-informed and systems-oriented.

What is neural plasticity?

Neural plasticity is the ability of our brain and nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning

What is the theta wave state?

Do you ever hear about people listening to frequencies that make the feel good? Those frequencies usually tune your brain state to 4-8 Hz. The theta wave state is the brain wave state that you were in last trimester in utero to age 7. This is when the barrier between your subconscious and conscious minds is the open so that programming can be coded so you can learn how to be as a human. Getting back into the theta wave state allows us to deprogram certain scripts or coding that are blocks keeping us stuck and then reprogram with new wiring that serves as the foundation of our ability and growth.

Can you see people in other states for hypnotherapy?

Yes, I am a nationally board certified hypnotherapist. There is no licensure for hypnotherapists unlike for my role as a psychotherapist. The National Guild of Hypnotists does not require that hypnotherapists be licensed state by state.

Can I do other things while I listen to hypnotherapy session recordings?

Never listen while operating heavy machinery. However, for my more somatically and kinesthetically oriented clients, movement like walking or doing a mat flow can be helpful.

Do you offer in-person hypnotherapy/hypnosis or virtual hypnotherapy/hypnosis?

I offer both in-person hypnotherapy/hypnosis and virtual hypnotherapy/hypnosis. It depends on where you are located and where I am at the time. I also offer hypnosis for virtual or in-person retreats. If you are interested in in-person hypnotherapy, please contact me at to see if there is availability and access at this time. After providing, hypnotherapy in-person in centers, homes, retreats, and virtually for over a decade, I have found that the effectiveness is nearly the same. For hypnosis, you just have to be able to hear me and be comfortable so I have found clients really love being able to lie down on their own bed or couch and be hypnotized.


What is coaching?

Coaching is partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.

What are the principles of coaching?

  • Client drives agenda; the relationship is a designed alliance

  • Coaching clarifies/links a true inner purpose to the work; client has their own commitment/immediate concerns

  • Client is creative, resourceful, and whole

  • Clients engage in activities that they can see will meet their needs

  • Coaches help clients connect inner values with results; helps client unlock inner full potential to maximize performance

What are responsibilities of the coach and client?

The coach:

  • Is responsible for the coaching process and supporting the client in:

    • Defining the coaching agreement

    • Highlighting new levels of awareness

    • Defining new actions and next steps

The Client:

  • Is responsible for the coaching content

    • Choosing the session topic and goal

    • Deciding what should happen in the session

    • Defining next actions and steps

(GroupWorks Consulting, LLC)

Can a therapy client see you as a coach?

As a therapist, I cannot participate in dual relationships. Meaning, I cannot see a therapy client and have another relationship with them outside of therapy. In Florida where I practice as a psychotherapist, a therapy client is considered a client for at least two years after the last therapeutic contact (HOW TO ETHICALLY OFFER COACHING AS A LICENSED THERAPIST: A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE by Ili Rivera Walter, PhD, LMFT)