Alljoys Guest: Susan Moe of Ascended Presence
* This resource offers information and is designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. I am not a medical doctor and this is just a compiled list of educational and entertainment resources. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this resource. The use of any information provided including advice on this resource are solely at your own risk. The views and opinions expressed in these resources are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Alexandra Seits. Never use hypnosis or subconscious reprogramming recordings while operating heavy machinery.
Susan and I met through Holisticism's The North Node for Intuitive Business and she has been an incredible inspiration personally in my life and I am so excited for you to meet her.
Susan Moe is the founder of Ascended Presence, a coaching and training company that helps people live richer, more meaningful, and happier lives. Susan is an international clairvoyant reader, spiritual mentor, public speaker, and workshop facilitator.
Through her readings and trainings, she empowers people to take ownership of their emotional well-being regardless of their external circumstances.
Susan is an engaging public speaker and thought leader. She shares how mindfulness and meditation are great first steps, but it’s what we do with our awareness that makes the biggest impact in our lives!
Susan believes that it’s this level of Ascended Presence required for us to create the peace and harmony we wish to experience in our families, communities, countries, and our collective humanity. It’s also what’s needed to heal and preserve our Earth for future generations.
Alljoys: Tell us about yourself and what you do
Susan Moe: Thank you for your kindness, Alexandra! I am on a mission to help as many people as possible learn what their unique energy feels like and to recognize themselves as spiritual beings.
If we are to have any hope of saving our shared home, we must be able to understand that we’re all connected which is a direct byproduct of this awareness.
What does this esoteric idea look like in reality? Happier, healthier relationships in our families, work places, communities, countries, all humanity, and finally with every living being our Earth supports.
It’s a life lived from joy which is probably why you, Alljoys, and I are so aligned.
Alljoys: You are an incredible visionary when it comes to intuition. How do you suggest people tap into their own intuition more?
Susan Moe: Now you’re speaking my love language.😍 Learning to tap into one’s intuition can be life-changing!
The first and primary step is presence, hence the name of my company Ascended Presence.
Our intuition doesn’t ring our doorbell and hand us an Amazon box. It communicates to us more subtly, often times in whispers or feelings or signs so we need to be “home” aka “present” to receive this precious gift.
Learning the skill of presence is the easy part, believe it or not. The trick is to learn how to trust our intuition, especially if it gives us some direction that goes against our brain’s thoughts and beliefs.
But that takes us back to presence. We’re often unaware of what our thoughts and beliefs actually are because they are unconscious, hanging out in the background just below our consciousness. We need to be present in order to recognize the thoughts and beliefs our brain is churning out so we can clear them and get to the more helpful guidance from our intuition.
Alljoys: In subconscious programming, fears keep us stuck or keep us playing small. How do you address fears in your work?
Susan Moe: If we’re not aware of our emotions, we can’t do anything about them and they can get stuck. Emotions are just energy in motion. I like to focus on the “motion” part of e-motion. In other words, how do we keep our emotions moving, flowing like a river of energy?
Whether one uses hypnotherapy or presence to become aware of and then release the fear, the goal is to get that emotion moving, released so that we have room to bring in other emotions such as confidence, worthiness, trust, and joy!
Alljoys: I see a lot of clients getting stuck by taking on a lot of other people’s energetic garbage. You seem to handle draining dynamics effortlessly. How do you let go of energetic garbage?
Susan Moe: We all have an energy field around our physical body. You might have heard it called an “aura”. I like to call this field your “space”.
Often familial or societal programming teaches us that to love someone, we need to merge our energies. We’re also taught to put other people’s needs above our own in order to be kind.
This is a recipe for taking on other people’s energetic garbage, aka their thoughts, beliefs, expectations. Other people’s information causes confusion in our lives and makes it harder for us to make decisions for our own life.
If we believe we need to merge with another to be liked or loved, it’s challenging to have energetic integrity for ourselves. We can’t let go of energetic garbage if we aren’t aware that we’re carrying it in the first place.
Presence helps us identify what our energy looks and feels like which makes it so much easier to identify and ultimately release other people’s energy when it’s in our space.
Teaching people about their personal energy and how to manage it in a healthy way brings me tremendous joy because I’ve seen how it transforms their lives!
Alljoys: Despite stressors, you seem to have a higher awareness and loving energy the emanates from you. How do you cultivate more joy in your life?
Susan Moe: Wow, that could be the nicest compliment I’ve ever received! Thank you!
To be honest, this does not come naturally to me. My mom likes to joke that I was born old and serious. I am a worrier by default to this day.
However, I’ve learned through this work, and I’m going to sound like a hammer thinking everything is a nail, but honestly, presence is how I cultivate joy in my life.
For example, one afternoon I was driving my son to tennis practice and we were chatting about nothing.
I could feel my attention and energy wanting to be home working — you know that insatiable drive to check tasks off my to-do list.
Once I realized my attention was elsewhere, I pulled my awareness back into the car (yes it’s possible to drive without being inside your body), back into my body, back into that immediate present moment.
Instantly, I could release my need to be productive and enjoy the moment. Here’s what I noticed on the inside:
My teenage son and I are chatting about nothing important, but we’re communicating
He’s not on his phone
I’m not frustrated because I think I “should” be doing something more important than driving my kid around town
And then I was flooded with flashes of gratitude fast and furiously —
My son and I are present in this moment enjoying each other’s company
He’s healthy
Our car works, we can afford gas, food, tennis lessons
It’s a beautiful afternoon
I have a son and I love him sooooooo much
Boom, boom, boom, one awareness of gratitude flooding my awareness after another in rapid succession.
My heart began to flood with love and joy and appreciation for this tiny, seemingly insignificant moment and for this fellow soul I get to journey with in this lifetime.
I could feel this love and joy flow through body, my entire energetic being, my essence. I felt flushed and warm all over.
Here’s what it looked like on the physical realm. A mom and her kid talking for a few minutes in the car. She pulls into the parking lot, the kid grabs his tennis racquet, hops out of the car and walks to the courts.
This scenario could have remained on the physical level, just another ho-hum errand had I been distracted with my thoughts, but presence allowed it to transform into a deeply meaningful, memorable, joy-filled experience.
Did my son realize all this was going on with his mom? Does he even remember this insignificant experience? Doubtful. But presence seared the experience into my memory so it’s a gift that keeps on giving. Besides, I believe on the subconscious level he could feel I was really there with him in the car and not distracted by my thoughts and that must have felt good to him, too.
Alljoys: Interpersonal and intimate relationships are something that my clients focus our work on frequently. How do you navigate having such a beautiful marriage and reciprocal friendships?
Susan Moe: First, I would say that relationships are messy, but through the right lens, beautiful.
My husband and I are celebrating our 27th anniversary this year and we were together for 5 years before that. During this time, we’ve experienced everything from ease and joy to frustration and resentment.
It brings tears to my eyes just writing this, but if there’s one thing I know for sure, had I not started on this path of personal growth and more importantly, the ability to regulate my inner well-being, I’m certain I would have had a nervous breakdown and/or we would have divorced years ago.
What’s important to know here, is that my husband is super cerebral and not into my metaphysical world so this goes to show that even if one person is on the journey, those around them will benefit.
I am less successful in navigating friendships. To be honest, I’m just not a good friend. I like to go to bed early, rise before dawn, and am a natural loner. It’s only thanks those people in my life who lift the heavier friendship load that I have friends at all. I can’t take any credit for their awesomeness!
What I’m most proud of in terms of relationships, however, is the kind, loving, respectful, and trusting relationships I have with my children. This didn’t happen by chance or luck or because they are special. It took an incredible amount of both physical and energetic work. It took dedication to the higher purpose over short-term satisfaction. It took courage to go against societal norms and peer pressure and competition.
Again, there’s zero chance my relationships with my children could be what they are without me going deep within to heal my own issues as well as the presence to understand and have compassion for theirs.
If I died in this moment, I would feel satisfied with my life solely for this reason. That I am still alive and get to share this work to help others do the same is pure icing on the cake!
Alljoys: In my work with clients, travel acts to expand the subconscious mind. How does travel influence or enhance spirituality at Ascended Presence?
Susan Moe: One reason travel helps expand our consciousness is because all our senses are stimulated simultaneously. Our sense of smell, the temperature of the air, the taste of unfamiliar foods, the sound of different languages or accents, the sight of new architecture or nature force us to be in the present moment. Our minds are fully engaged in all the new experiences so we’re immersed in the present moment.
This is why we can remember the tiniest details from a trip years ago, but we can’t remember what we ate for lunch last Monday.
I love to travel and think it’s important to meet people of different cultures to help us foster compassion for others and the realization that we’re all the same despite our different skin color, language, eating habits, or religious beliefs. This helps foster compassion for others and hopefully an interest in helping the collective. And, we don’t “need” to travel to do this, We just need fully engaged presence.
Alljoys: As a therapist, one of my goals is to practice psychedelic psychotherapy one day. Tell us a little about your experience of psychedelics with your family in Costa Rica.
Susan Moe: Wow, that’s amazing and I would LOVE to take you on a retreat with me. When we returned, I wrote a blog post about it. This first post was more about the “why” behind my decision to take my husband and children on this journey. I intend to write more about our actual experience, but in the meantime, I’ve learned something critically important about plant medicine experiences.
What I’ve noticed is that many people return to plant medicine over and over again. They do this because it can be incredibly difficult to integrate such an intense experience into their everyday lives and also they believe they need the plants to continue their spiritual awakening.
What I hope to do is plan a series of classes before a ceremony to help people best prepare for the experience and then a series of classes afterward to help them integrate all their new awareness into their every day life. The goal of these intelligent plants is to expand and empower us, not make us dependent on them.
Having said all this, if you asked anyone in my family if our ayahuasca journey was a defining moment their personal lives and for our family bonding, each one would say a resounding YES!
Alljoys: At Alljoys, we see our dreams as our subconscious minds’ way of communicating with our conscious mind. How do you approach dreams in Ascended Presence?
Susan Moe: I wholeheartedly agree with you!
In this post, I explain how the dream world is a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions.
It behooves each of us to cultivate our ability to have higher quality and more meaningful dreams. I believe this so deeply that I created a Dream Circle in the free area of my membership community, the Ascended Presence Circle, fondly known as the APC. Sometimes we have powerful dreams and we don’t know what to do about or how to interpret them so it’s nice to have a place to share and receive support and possible interpretations. The Dream Circle in the APC is one way I can give back.
Alljoys: I had a reading with you and it is still my favorite wellness experience I have ever done. What are clairvoyant readings?
Susan Moe: Aww, that is deeply meaningful to hear, especially from a colleague like you well versed in the wellness world.
There are many types of psychics. I happen to “see” energy, souls, and symbols as my primary way of receiving information so that’s called clairvoyance, aka clear seeing.
My specialty is communicating with someone at the soul level and helping them bring to their awareness potential solutions to their challenges that their brain can’t find through traditional thinking or analysis.
Gosh, that sounds so vague and boring and prescriptive.
In real life, it’s quite exhilarating when we are truly seen at this deep level because it’s such a rare experience. We’re so used to going through the motions of life and thinking we are our bodies, that when the veil is pulled back and we are reminded of, and possibly even recognize our true essence, our heart expands and fills with awe, wonder, joy.
It’s difficult to put into words what a profound experience a clairvoyant reading can cause. One thing I would recommend to anyone considering getting a reading is to make sure to work with someone who has advanced training in energy work.
Some people read a book or take a weekend course and then hang up their shingle. They might be a good conduit, but it takes education, training, and practice to be able to create and maintain clear energetic boundaries as well as interpret what they are receiving which are just as important as the information received and communicated.
Alljoys: When you see clairvoyant readings on t.v. or films what is something you would course-correct as a production consultant for producers and talent?
Susan Moe: Most psychic work portrayed on TV or in films is actually mediumship — where the psychic is communicating with souls no longer in their physical bodies. These experiences can provide a lot of hope and inspiration for those who have lost loved ones so there’s a real need for this to be done with the highest integrity.
I think it would be hard to show how someone’s heart cracks open and their consciousness expands from a reading like mine, but that’s why they are the professionals in the tv/film realm:).
What I would love to see more of is how everyday people are receiving intuitive “hits” or experiencing meaningful dreams and the consequences of either ignoring or listening to this guidance.
Everyone has the ability to tune into their own higher consciousness aka intuition. The problem is that we’re not taught how to cultivate, listen to, and most importantly, trust it. That’s why I believe everyone deserves an Intuitive Life Coach.
Alljoys: What is intuitive life coaching and how does it help clients break free of old subconscious programming?
Susan Moe: I can’t speak to other coach’s approach, but my Intuitive Life Coaching is geared toward empowering my clients with energetic sovereignty.
I help them learn and, more importantly, practice in real life, how to work with their energy in all kinds of situations so that they can feel good inside despite the most difficult of external circumstances.
In each coaching session, I use my clairvoyance to see beyond the “story” so we can get to the root cause of the challenge.
For example, sometimes when someone is having relationship problems (it doesn’t matter if it’s a spouse, child, boss, friend, parent, sibling, etc.), they get caught up in the circumstances of what’s happening — the who did, who said scenarios. This spinning around and around of their thoughts only causes anxiety and confusion.
By looking at the energy deep at the core, I am able to cut away the noise and help the person get clear on the real issue which is often hidden underneath all the stories.
This work is fast and transformational so I call it my Accelerated Coaching Program. Someone has to have the courage in addition to their desire to make the changes they wish to create before I will take them on as a client.
While I’ve been giving readings to people for more than 20 years, it’s just been in the last few years I’ve offered a weekly coaching program. Yet the transformation I’ve seen in my clients has far exceeded my wildest expectations and has been the most rewarding experience of my professional career.
I sure wish I had this kind of intuitive mentorship growing up. I truly believe that if more people had access to energetic training and spiritual support, we would have more peace, collaboration, and healing in our relationships, businesses, governments and even for our planet.
If someone would like to go slower and possibly take a more DIY approach, I would recommend they join my monthly energy training program, the Practicum.
Alljoys: Manifestation in hypnosis/hypnotherapy is seen as rewiring your subconscious programming in a theta wave state through neuroplasticity to eliminate limiting beliefs, align with your desire, raise your self-worth, and allow for what your want to come in. How does your work in Ascended Presence integrate manifestation?
Susan Moe: We need presence in order to identify what it is we truly want to create in our lives.
If we’re not aware of our heart’s true desires, we’ll likely be trying to manifest someone else’s – could be another person such as a parent or spouse and it can society, the patriarchy, class structures, etc.
This lack of awareness is what locks us into the consumption matrix. Capitalism wants to keep us blind to what actually brings us joy and happiness so they can keep selling us the idea that if we just get x,y,z product or experience we’ll be happy.
This belief keeps us in the grind, the hustle to become worthy through our productivity or buying their goods and services. I’m not against money or material goods, these are part of the fun of being on Earth in a human body! We just want to be clear on what we truly want to create which makes it easier to manifest and subsequently be happy what we’ve brought into our lives.
Alljoys: Tell us a little bit about the journey of working with you through Ascended Presence.
Susan Moe: Most people are referred to me for a clairvoyant reading. Sometimes, just that initial reading is enough to create a major shift in someone’s awareness.
If someone is going through a life transition and they are ready to take ownership over how successful they’d like to navigate their life changes, they may be invited to join my Accelerated Coaching Program.
For people who are inspired to create more meaning in their life, healthier relationships, or simply develop their own intuition, they join the Practicum, my monthly energy training workshop.
Once in awhile I’ll teach a course about grounding and energy management which is a bootcamp for personal energy development and there’s a waitlist one can join to be notified when the next class goes live. This is truly the foundation of all the work I do and it’s one of my favorite things to teach!
For anyone just curious about this work, I invite them to join our free, but private community, the Ascended Presence Circle aka the APC. The APC is a slow, kind, and caring corner of the internet for people interested in learning more about intuition and lead life with intention.
I also have loads of Journal entries on my website that are very story driven so they demonstrate how a lot of what we talked about above looks like in real life.
Finally, for anyone looking to increase their presence, I highly recommend my free 5-day guide to Increase Presence and Intuition. I’ve received lots of positive feedback from people saying one or two of the tips really resonated with them and were easy to implement in their lives.
The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent. This resource offers information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this resource. The use of any information provided including advice on this resource are solely at your own risk. Never use hypnosis recordings while operating heavy machinery.