33 Ways to Subconscious Reprogram Out in the World

You’ll often hear me say to clients, “You will not meet ‘your person’ sitting at home or in a session. You will not get the opportunity you are looking for by sitting or laying here. You will not be different by talking about being different, you will be different by being different.”

In my work in the therapeutic realm, we set the foundation for our future with therapeutic tools to specifically identify and address where we are stuck. But the actual shifts are seen in life — how you are able to take actionable steps. How you respond, not react, when someone offers you something. How you show up in an entirely new way. How you allow yourself to be seen, connect with the right people, ask, and advocate. Maybe then even attract things you were “blocked” from before.

I know our work together is succeeding when you are out living (not just stuck in analysis-paralysis), applying the work we do together, and optimizing what you magnetize into your orbit. I truly believe in the how, so here are 33 ways to reprogram your subconscious mind while you are out in the world. After, I share some ways I can support you for a smoother ride and faster journey.

33 Ways to Reprogram Your Subconscious Out in the World

1. Go on a tour

Go on a house tour, (maybe an open house you drive by or see on Realtor.com) or go on a historical museum tour. Imagine who you would be if you lived in that home or in that time that the museum encapsulates. What would your life look like if you lived in this home using this kitchen? Where can you discover parts of yourself that you have hidden from yourself? What is evoked by a piece of art and from the state the artist was in? What feelings are unearthed when you let a piece of art really touch you?

2. Pick up a new skill or hobby

Rewiring your brain takes initiative, like picking up a new activity, which requires your brain to work differently and create new neural pathways. As we repeat the activity, we support the pathways, which further strengthens our ability. That is exactly what we are doing when we create new neural pathways in hypnosis. Skills or hobbies I personally love for this: wheel throwing pottery (did you see the pottery scene I wrote for on Queer Eye Season 5 Episode 9 Paging Dr. Yi? I definitely teared up on set), learning options trading, playing the guitar, and learning circus aerial arts like the lyra.

3. Walk in a new neighborhood or on a different route

Every second, our subconscious mind processes information through our visual, olfactory, auditory, taste, and kinesthetic senses. It is stimulated by the bilateral movement of walking, seeing new sights, tasting new tastes, smelling new smells, and hearing new sounds. This communicates “new and different” to our subconscious, which shows our subconscious that things are and can continue to be different than what we feel stuck in. Remember, our subconscious impacts our attitude, so if we want to feel different, we need to program ourselves differently.

4. Drive (or walk) a different way home

Look at the buildings, homes, nature, and people. Notice what you haven’t seen before. Let yourself realize how much there is still to explore of yourself and the world. Stay curious.

5. Make a whimsical stop and make room for serendipity

If we keep expecting the same, the same we will receive. Making a random stop on a whim is probably one of my favorites. I love stopping at a farm stand and talking to the owner, tapping into a different world. Or popping into an occult shop and finding what draws me in, cracking me open. But most of all I love the way that when I make an unexpected stop, it reminds me that I am in control of whether to allow the magic to unfold or to stay stuck in old ways. It also programs my subconscious to look for mystical and significant interactions, and I find I meet some of the most magical people or people I have admired for a long time.

6. Play with a child or pet

Entering into the world of play with a child or a pet creates new neural networks of playfulness and inner child wisdom. Ask them the rules, and then add your own twist. Enter their world for some time and abandon your own. As a therapist in a community based counseling center, I saw some clients who were children in the evening after their school day. It was always fascinating to me just how much these children brought me into their imaginations and their play world so quickly even after my intense day of psychiatric evaluations.

7. Go see theater

Theater is embodiment magic. The audience leaves behind reality and chooses to let a new world engulf them. We watch people transform into characters that evoke parts of ourselves we did not even know existed.

8. Go see dance

The body is resilient. The body is a vehicle for our spacious spirit. The body is meant for art. The body is not static. The body is not meant to be judged as good or bad. The body is here to create magic. Watching dance activates so many emotions and distracts me away from myself. My favorite dance company to go see is Pilobolus.

9. Go see standup comedy

Laughing is some of the deepest medicine. That is the real holistic wellness - deep laughter. My current favorite comedian is Ashley Gavin. Saw her live and my partner and I got roasted. Madly uncomfortable and incredibly funny.

10. Do the thing you said you’d never do

Live in the place you said you’d never live. Do the job you said you never would. Date someone you said you never would. Surprise yourself. We all deserve surprises and surprises interrupt the maladaptive patterning that can often keep us stuck.

11. Role play / embody new archetypes

Embodiment is where the magic happens. How do you dress as this archetype? How do you respond as this archetype as opposed to react as your old self? How do you present yourself online?

12. Go to a new restaurant / coffee shop

Trust that new will be different. Joyfully different. And you do not always have to stay on the same things so that you can avoid being disappointed. Tip generously knowing that acting out of scarcity and withholding only creates more of that on the other end for you.

13. Watch indie films from other countries

Watch indie film productions from other countries. Notice what feelings resonate. Become aware of how you could live your life but the social conditioning of your primary and secondary socialization prevents you from doing so.

14. Mute or unfollow people from your hometown

Seeing people from our hometowns and their stuff constantly from your eye back into your brain keeps you playing small and reinforces old programming. “Of course, they are doing that and I am still stuck…” Following people from middle school or even just toxic cultures that your children grew up in will keep programming you for comparison and feelings of “being lesser than.” Unmute them only when you are living the life you desire instead of romanticizing theirs, because no one’s social is the full picture. Why program ourselves for a life less actualized?

15. Travel

When I have needed to unblock and get unstuck, I left my (wellness) de(vices) at home and backpacked uncomfortably through a dozen different countries. Turns out the things and practices I was so attached to were also preventing me from evolving and growing.

16. Date, friend-date, or network

Be curious. Let go of defensiveness. Defensiveness is the dampener of trust and interest. Enjoy being asked questions... think of all the stars we love and see how they respond to interview questions. Remember that questions or even objections are an interest signal. We often think that objections or questions are something to defend ourselves against, but if you walk into a store and like a hat, you ask “excuse me, how much does this cost?” The salesperson does not get defensive because they know you are interested in buying the hat. On the other hand if you are about to have someone do something to you that you do not want - you do not ask questions. You leave. Questions and objections are a postive thing. People ask them if they are interested. Charm them with your lack of defensiveness and your refreshing candor.

17. Change your hair color or haircut

Grow your hair out. Get a hair cut. Dye your hair an entirely new color. Seeing and feeling new strands attached to your head communicate to your brain that this is now and that was then. You are different now and can do anything you want.

18. Pay attention to the financial markets or listen to trading coaches

Notice your scarcity mindset. Notice the collective consciousness. Notice the selloffs. Notice the news, the institutional buy in, and the support lines on the daily or weekly charts. Listen to trading coaches on YouTube. My current favorite and subconscious expander for my career goals (AKA who I want to be when I grow up) is Dr. Steenbarger from SMB Capital.

19. Get rid of your old clothes and try out things you never thought you’d wear

Wear different jewelry, different shoes, different clothes. Paint your nails a different color. We see these articles or adornments on ourselves all day - they are a stimulus, eliciting certain behaviors. Choose them wisely. Make them creative, fun, and magnetic for everything you want. Show yours subconscious mind throughout the day who you want to be and who you are. Sell your clothes and dress as the archetype you want to embody.

20. Apply for a job

Yes, apply for a job even if you are not necessarily in the market. I try to do this every six months even if I am not looking for a job. It keeps me on my toes, helps me reevaluate my goals, and allows me to see what is possible.

21. Listen to an entirely new genre of music

This one is hard for me. But the unfamiliarity of new music can jolt our minds into feeling and thinking differently.

22. Listen to an entirely new view

This is probably equally or more challenging. But it is one of my favorite ways to get unstuck out of my own way of thinking and being is to listen to an entirely new way of thinking.

23. Hang out with people who have different views than you

A lot of my friends have very different views than me. It can be hard at first and sometimes I’ll find myself complaining a lot to my partner. But to see all my judgment unearthed and all my distaste for thinking unlike mine is really eye-opening. And I quickly am shown where I need to grow into more tolerance if that is what I keep saying I want in the world. It can be hurtful and heartbreaking especially around issues that you have firsthand experience with or you hold close to your heart. But it also quickly shows you how much of our polarity comes from the other side also suffering.

24. Go on an ancestor journey

Journey through your ancestors to see an intergenerational patterning that is being repeated through you. Research your ancestral lineage. Go to the places they lived. Study the places they lived. Notice what is playing out in your life from intergenerational patterning. Do an ancestor meeting hypnotic journey as you visit significant spaces to your lineage.

25. People watch

Sit at a bar or coffee shop and listen to someone near you talk. Notice how they hold themselves, notice inter-relational dynamics, and notice how they treat the staff. This is an acting exercise my professor at Tisch would have us do and one I really missed during the pandemic. Although I am not longer acting, I find so many mirrors for myself when I people watch. Whenever I see my own behavior or attitude mirrored back to me in another human, it's one of the the fastest ways for me to drop it entirely.

26. Go to the library and explore a section that you would never naturally be drawn to

I have been doing this recently and then getting a book from this section and even carrying the book around makes me feel unstuck and dislodged from my usual ways.

27. Fall in love

Falling in love is vulnerable. But why do we love most of the t.v. or film characters that we do? They are vulnerable. The more we allow vulnerability into our lives, the more open we are to possibility in all realms. Similar to a hypnosis session, where visualizations are induced and paired with the theta brain wave state, when you fall in love, visions come to mind and you are in a different brain wave state. Hypnosis is a different state or a trance-like state that allows for your subconscious to heal from limiting beliefs… so too can falling in love elicit a similar response.

28. Fall out of love

Choose yourself. Let yourself fall out of love that no longer feels in alignment. Reclaim yourself from self-abandonment and allow yourself to trust that what is meant for you will be.

29. Embody night luxe over cottage core

I still have not gotten my own Hill House nap dress and I am still hanging my laundry out to dry, but I am also allowing myself to embrace more of the “Night luxe” aesthetic as I embrace living out the post-homesteading pandemic life.

30. Switch up your morning routine

Practice self-hypnosis upon awakening. When you sleep deeply you are in a delta wave state and in hypnosis you are in a theta wave state which is where you are highly suggestible to subconscious reprogramming. Doing self-hypnosis upon rising, while in a dopamine-fasted phase, sets you up for behaviors, actions, and outcomes that are aligned with your visions.

31. Switch up your evening routine

Call a friend. Make an evening melatonin-boosting warm drink. Entirely break out of your usual routine. What we fall asleep to programs our subconscious, so be mindful of getting stuck in the same patterns because then our subconscious can read that as stuck in all patterns. When you are getting into bed and soon thereafter you get into a theta wave brain waves state which is the hypnotic trance state. This is where the barrier between your conscious and subconscious mind is incredible thin, allowing your subconscious to be reprogrammed, so watch things or surround yourself with people who are expansive, not limiting.

32. Eat foods that you have labeled as “bad” or “unhealthy”

Eat the Friday night pizza. Go eat the ice cream. Reminding yourself that you are healthy and can handle these foods reprograms your subconscious to not react poorly to them through the conditioning of them being “bad.” Unfollow the accounts that focus just on “healthy” food because it could be programming your subconscious into reacting more to “other," “lesser,” “unhealthy" foods.

33. Audition for something

Create an account on a Casting Networks. Submit yourself for a role. Audition for something. Surprise yourself. You never know what can happen. But nothing will happen if you just keep on doing what you are doing.

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* This resource offers information and is designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. I am not a medical doctor and this is just a compiled list of educational and entertainment resources. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this resource. The use of any information provided including advice on this resource are solely at your own risk. The views and opinions expressed in these resources are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Alexandra Seits. Never use hypnosis or subconscious reprogramming recordings while operating heavy machinery. 


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